Po­si­ti­ons and teaching as­si­gn­ments

Be­cau­se peop­le ma­ke the dif­fe­rence!

As a private university, our aim is to create an attractive study environment in which everyone feels comfortable and can develop individually. We help our prospective employees, applicants and students to discover and expand their potential. We are a trusted partner for companies in the region when it comes to recruiting, developing and retaining talented junior staff, specialists and managers.

To achieve this mission, we are looking for committed and motivated talents like you to enrich and strengthen our team. Because one thing is clear: when it comes to academic and vocational education and training, people like you make the difference! When we share our knowledge and pass on our experience and skills, we make an unbeatable team.

Would you like to be successful together with us? Then take a look at our current vacancies. We look forward to receiving your application!

Pre­si­dent FH­DW (m/f/d)


Pre­si­dent FH­DW (m/f/d)

Head of de­gree pro­gram with pro­fes­sor­ship


Head of MBA pro­gram (m/f/d) and de­pu­ty pro­fes­sor­ship

Cam­pus Ma­nage­ment (m/f/d)


Ber­gisch Glad­bach, Mett­mann

Business Informatics/
Software Engineering
(FZ/TZ W3)


Business informatics/
Embedded Systems & Software Engineering
(VZ/TZ W3)


Business administration/
Corporate Management & Technology Management
(VZ/TZ W2 W3)



App­ren­ti­ce­ship as IT spe­cia­list (m/f/d)

App­ren­ti­ce­ship as of­fice ma­nage­ment as­sis­tant (m/f/d)

Sci­en­ti­fic col­la­bo­ra­ti­on

Ber­gisch Glad­bach

Re­se­arch As­sis­tant Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on

Re­se­arch As­sis­tant Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on/IT

Pa­der­born and Bie­le­feld

Re­se­arch ma­nage­ment staff

Re­se­arch as­sis­tant working en­vi­ron­ment

Teaching as­si­gn­ments on­line teaching

Teaching as­si­gn­ments in East West­pha­lia

Teaching as­si­gn­ments in the Rhi­ne­land