Your part­ner com­pa­ny

Prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence as a spring­board for your ca­re­er!

Practice makes all the difference for your professional future – and you’ll get plenty of it on the FHDW degree program! Finally, you will gain valuable experience for your career start in a total of six practical phases. You choose the right practice partner for you from our large network of companies. Our Career Service is always on hand to support you in the application process. We are your most reliable point of contact for all questions relating to cover letters, CVs and job interviews. You will be perfectly prepared and nothing will stand in the way of your practical phases!

How do I find the right partner company?

No partner yet?
Find your dream company!

Which sub­ject area are you in­te­rested in?

Do you al­re­a­dy know whe­re?

Are you loo­king for a spe­ci­fic com­pa­ny?

N/A Part­ner com­pa­ny found

Found a company, not studying yet?
We can help you!

Ques­ti­ons about the part­ner com­pa­nies?


You can find detailed information about how we handle your data here.

Your stu­dent ad­vi­so­ry ser­vice

Make an appointment now for your student advisory service or ask us your questions about studying. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you!

Wri­te to us!

Michelle Anders

Michelle Anders

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-367

Valea Allkämper

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-368

Simona Narcisi

Simona Narcisi

@Campus Mettmann

02104 17756-307

Dajana Deppenmeier

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190

Dajana Deppenmeier

Rebecca Baumann

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190

Annalena Thiel

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190