Re­se­arch at the FH­DW

We love to ex­plo­re things and find out new things

The roots of the FHDW lie in teaching and practical exchange with companies. But our research projects also provide important impetus for the degree programs and thus for the education of our students. The FHDW consistently aligns its research activities with the needs of the industry. The FHDW also receives impetus from its close involvement in industry. The interfaces between technical innovations range from production and the working world of tomorrow to environmental protection, construction management and disaster control. Immerse yourself in the exciting world of intelligent and application-oriented research. You can expect informative short profiles and interesting video statements from our professors and project partners. Click your way in!


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Re­se­arch are­as

AI in the world of work

The focus is on interdisciplinary research into the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in industrial SMEs and the changes it brings. On the one hand, this involves researching specific approaches to workplace design, employee training and change management in industrial SMEs.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence can be used to design special tools that provide companies with a better basis for decision-making in order to solve selected problems and optimize processes.

Automotive Management

Automotive research and strategic consulting. CAM works together with vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and the automotive trade on numerous projects.

Information Security

Information security – from technical security to the development of KPI-based management systems.

Mo­bi­le Ser­vices and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons

How can company processes be optimally adapted to changing environmental conditions and the increasing mobility of participants?

Optimized Systems

Established as an “english speaking lab”, it sees itself as a specialist in the development of software that is capable of self-optimization and self-learning.

German Institute for Asset Accumulation and Retirement Provision (DIVA)

Dedicated to issues such as pension provision and investments, regulation of the financial market and the professional profile of advisors in the financial sector.

Ger­man Cen­ter for Sustainable Ma­nage­ment and Se­cu­ring Skil­led Workers

The activities of the DZNF focus on establishing corporate management with a long-term profit orientation as opposed to the frequently encountered concentration on short-term profit targets.

News from re­se­arch

Our re­se­arch team

Prof. Dr. Christian Ewering

Prof. Dr.

Christian Ewering

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-02

Prof. Dr.

Eckhard Koch

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-02

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Koch
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Nüßer

Prof. Dr.

Wilhelm Nüßer

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-02

Prof. Dr.

Angelika Röchter

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-02

Prof. Dr. Angelika Röchter

Get in touch with us now!


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