
Spon­sor of the Fach­hoch­schu­le der Wirt­schaft with its cam­pu­ses in Pa­der­born, Bie­le­feld, Ber­gisch Glad­bach, Mett­mann and Mar­burg

University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine-Westphalia gGmbH
Fürstenallee 5
33102 Paderborn
05251 301-02
[email protected]

Managing Director: Annalisa Mancini

Re­s­pon­si­ble for con­tent

Managing Director: Annalisa Mancini

Com­mer­ci­al re­gis­ter

Register court: Paderborn Local Court
Register number: HRB 3736
Sales tax ID: DE 814874682

No­ti­ce pur­suant to § 36 VS­BG on al­ter­na­ti­ve dis­pu­te re­so­lu­ti­on in con­su­mer mat­ters

The University of Applied Sciences does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Edi­to­ri­al of­fice

[email protected]

We use masculine spellings throughout. This is solely for reasons of better readability. However, all genders are always meant and addressed.

Image ma­te­ri­al

Fotolia / Adobe Stock ©:
Alexander Ewert, Blickfang, elenaklippert, eyetronic, davis, Heinz Waldukat, Mimi Potter, Thaut Images, vege, vichie81, wassiliy

Stockphoto ©:
AdamRadosavljevic, Aksonov, AleksandarNakic, blackred, ericsphotography, hidesy, Mari, Massonstock, mrPliskin, pederk, RaStudio, SoleilC, Yuri

123 RF ©:
Maxim Evseev

Bielefeld Marketing GmbH | Topel

FHDW,, Pixabay,
sven vüllers photography(Mettmann campus site)