Cam­pus Ber­gisch Glad­bach

Between big city and chill-out

Bergisch Gladbach, with a population of 113,000, is just a stone’s throw from Cologne. The spacious campus of the former Gronau railroad station is home to modern lecture rooms and computer centers as well as the hall of residence. Spread over four floors, each with two wings, it has a total of 120 furnished apartments that can be booked on a semester basis. From the Bergisch Museum to the Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach’s cultural mile has a lot to offer. Mediterana offers pure relaxation – the only sauna and wellness oasis in the world with five stars. Bensberg Castle – one of the best grand hotels in the world – towers above it all. If all this is far too quiet for you – just 20 minutes on the S-Bahn and you’re in the heart of Cologne! By the way: All students benefit from the NRW semester ticket.


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Ber­gisch Glad­bach should be your sweethe­art?

Start your studies in the Rhineland. The University of Applied Sciences offers you a campus close to the city center!

Dates in Ber­gisch Glad­bach

Your stu­dent ad­vi­so­ry ser­vice

Make an appointment now for your student advisory service or ask us your questions about studying. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you!

Wri­te to us!

Michelle Anders

Michelle Anders

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-270

Valea Allkämper

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-270

Ber­gisch Glad­bach

www.ber­gisch­glad­ >

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the city and useful tips on where to live.

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