Con­sul­tant teams

Be suc­cess­ful to­ge­ther!

We do not leave our partners alone when it comes to topics such as recruiting, employee development, Gen Z and co. Our local contacts will advise you personally and individually from the very first minute. We will adapt to your needs: online, at the FHDW or even on-site at your company! This allows us to get to know each other directly and provide you with the best possible support for your questions and challenges. Give us a call – we look forward to hearing from you!

Rhi­ne­land re­gi­on

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Brändle


Alexander Brändle

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

[email protected]

02202 9527-226

Tobias Ernst

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

[email protected]

02202 9527-390

Caroline Schmidt-Faillard

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

[email protected]

02202 9527-372

Petra de Graaf

@Campus Mettmann

[email protected]

02104 17756-302

Prof. Dr. Andreas Brandt

Prof. Dr.

Andreas Brandt

@Campus Mettmann

[email protected]

02104 17756-300

East West­pha­lia re­gi­on

Benjamin Meinhardt

@Campus Bielefeld | Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-177

Prof. Dr.

Stefan Nieland

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-180

Prof. Dr. Stefan Nieland

Stephanie Quest

@Campus Bielefeld | Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-179

Lea­ve us a mes­sa­ge.


You can find detailed information about how we handle your data here.