Your ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

On your marks, get set, ap­p­ly...

Step by step to your uni­ver­si­ty place!

Have you decided on a study model, found the right degree program and chosen your future campus? Then go ahead, start your application now and secure your place! Here we explain how the application process works and what you need to bear in mind.



You alternate between the university and your partner company on a quarterly basis, i.e. every three months. The Career Service will help you find a partner company.



You should choose the part-time course if you have already completed an apprenticeship, are working and want to gain further qualifications alongside your job.

Du­al Ba­che­l­or's de­gree pro­gram - Ar­ri­ve in 5 steps

Tas­ter, ad­vice and ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

Take your chance and get a taste of university life before you start your studies. You can simply attend our events, take part in lectures of your choice, talk to our students about campus life or make appointments for student counseling. Not only will we get to know each other better, but we will also find the right degree program for you.

Once you have all the information together and your questions have been answered, simply apply. You can fill out our online application quickly and easily. Once you have provided all the information about yourself and your desired course of study, all you need to do is upload your CV and a current certificate. We have now received your documents and will check them carefully. We will get back to you after a few days with further information on the application process.

Selec­tion pro­ce­du­re

We have reviewed your application and would like to find out more about you. That’s why we invite you to our selection day. What does that mean? Well, you visit us together with other applicants at the FHDW, get to know your future campus and take various tests.

A personal interview and an intelligence test help us to better assess your motivation, interests and strengths. After the selection process, you will of course receive prompt feedback on your result and the next steps on your path to studying.

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on trai­ning – Ap­p­ly­ing has to be lear­ned

As we all know, practice makes perfect and it’s no different with job applications. Our workshop will give you the most important information for your upcoming applications to our partner companies. You will learn everything you need to know about cover letters, CVs and job interviews. No one can fool you that quickly when it comes to your application, because we’ll get you ready for your internship search!

Find your per­fect prac­tice part­ner!

Of course, we won’t leave you alone in your search for a partner company, but will provide you with valuable tips and tricks. But you decide: Do you want to spend your entire degree at a fixed company or remain flexible and gain experience in different companies? No matter what you choose: You can be sure of support from our Career Services! Your student advisors will be on hand to answer your questions and help you find your way around our large network of companies.

And off we go…

Once you have signed your study contract, your place is secure and you can finally start the most varied period of study of your life!

By the way: The Career Service is also always at your side during your studies. If you have any questions or need advice, you can contact your student advisor at any time.

What are you wait­ing for? Ap­p­ly now and be­co­me an FH­DW stu­dent!

Part-ti­me Ba­che­l­or's de­gree pro­gram - Ar­ri­ve in 3 steps

Tas­ter, ad­vice and ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

Take your chance and get a taste of university life before you start your studies. You can simply attend our events, take part in lectures of your choice, talk to our students about campus life or make appointments for student counseling. Not only will we get to know each other better, but we will also find the right degree program for you. Once you have all the information together and your questions have been answered, simply apply at You can fill out our online application quickly and easily. Once you have provided all the information about yourself and your desired course of study, simply upload your CV and your current vocational school or training certificate. We have now received your documents and will check them carefully. We will get back to you after a few days with further information on the application process.

Selec­tion pro­ce­du­re

We have reviewed your application and would like to find out more about you. That’s why we invite you to our selection day. What does that mean? Well, you visit us together with other applicants at the FHDW, get to know your future campus and take various tests.

An intelligence, personality and English test help us to better assess your motivation, interests and strengths. Once you have successfully completed all three tests, you will of course receive prompt feedback on your results and the next steps on your path to studying.

He­re we go

Once you have signed your study contract, your place is secure and you can finally start the most varied period of study of your life! 

By the way: The Career Service is also always at your side during your studies. If you have any questions or need advice, you can contact your student advisor at any time.

What are you wait­ing for? In­vest in your fu­ture and start your ap­p­li­ca­ti­on now!

Opi­ni­ons that re­al­ly count!

Read all reviews

We are really good at what we do!

Not only we say this, but also our students. On Studycheck, our rating puts us high up on the list of universities of applied sciences in Germany.

See for yourself and read independent reviews about the FHDW.

Your stu­dent ad­vi­so­ry ser­vice

Make an appointment now for your student advisory service or ask us your questions about studying. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you!

Wri­te to us!

Michelle Anders

Michelle Anders

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-270

Valea Allkämper

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-270

Simona Narcisi

Simona Narcisi

@Campus Mettmann

02104 17756-270

Dajana Deppenmeier

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190

Dajana Deppenmeier

Rebecca Baumann

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190

Annalena Thiel

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190