About the FH­DW

1993 founded
2084 Students
50 Study programs
225 Partner company

What does the FH­DW do?

Com­pu­ter sci­ence meets busi­ness!

The Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft (FHDW) offers dual and part-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in the fields of business administration and business informatics. You can choose a wide range of specializations within the degree courses – so that your studies match your interests and strengths! If you are unsure, our Career Service will help you find the right degree program. In addition to the close connection between theory and practice, the manageable groups, the intensive supervision by our lecturers, the study organization and a large number of international university cooperations offer you a course of study with attractive career opportunities.

We want you to arrive where you feel comfortable. Together we will achieve your study goal.

You know where you want to study, but you don’t have the degree?
We will find it!

We are at ho­me he­re

Ber­gisch Glad­bach





Mi­les­to­nes in our his­to­ry


Foun­da­ti­on of the uni­ver­si­ty

We started at the beginning of the 90s with a vision: To be the university for business in the field of business administration and computer science! One of our co-founders, computer pioneer Heinz Nixdorf, worked diligently on this vision. As a result, the first FHDW campus in Paderborn was established in the immediate vicinity of today’s Heinz Nixdorf Museum.

The suc­cess sto­ry con­ti­nues

Just three years later, we also wanted to give companies in the Rhineland the opportunity to train their specialists and managers at the FHDW. Our Bergisch Gladbach campus opened its doors.



Ano­ther cam­pus is being built

In the fall of 2001, the FHDW opened in Bielefeld in the heart of the Technology Center. Here too, the focus was on IT and business administration.

The Rhi­ne­land is being streng­the­ned

In the summer, we celebrated the grand opening of our campus in Mettmann. In a brand new building and a central location, we have been inspiring many students from the Düsseldorf area since 2009.



NRW knows no bor­ders

The newest member of the NRW network is our campus in Marburg. Yes, that’s right – Marburg is actually already in Hesse. But due to its proximity to the other campuses, Marburg is also part of the NRW family.

The FH­DW Ma­nage­ment Board

From the economy for the economy! This is the central idea behind our degree programs and the driving force behind our university. We put this credo into practice with employees and management who live by this motto. We are driven by our own experience and networking with networks and corporate partners.

What is accreditation?
You don't know?
We'll explain it to you!

All our degree programs are state-recognized and accredited. This gives you the certainty that you can expect high quality and that you are choosing a degree course that meets the requirements of your future. In an accreditation, all content and the course of study are examined in detail before the program is even launched on the market. So you can think of it as a kind of quality control that is carried out independently by different people.

Part­ner Com­pa­ny

We offer dual and part-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in the fields of business administration, business informatics and applied computer science. The combination of theory and practice is our recipe for success. Because one thing is certain: you won’t get far in your career with books alone. We enable you to immerse yourself in practice while you are still studying. Either through recurring practical phases or you can complete your studies directly alongside your job! Around 550 companies are integrated into the FHDW cooperation network.

Our cam­pus ma­na­gers

Dipl.-Kfm., Dipl.-Ing.

Peter Tutt, M.Eng.

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

[email protected]

02202 9527-362

Hartmut Klein

@Campus Bielefeld

[email protected]

0521 23842-100

Prof. Dr. Michael Thiemermann

Prof. Dr.

Michael Thiemermann

@Campus Marburg

[email protected]

06421 96885-0

Prof. Dr.

Andreas Brandt

@Campus Mettmann

[email protected]

02104 17756-300

Prof. Dr. Andreas Brandt
Prof. Dr. Stefan Nieland

Prof. Dr.

Stefan Nieland

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-180

Mis­si­on state­ment

The Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft (FHDW) is a career-oriented university in the fields of business administration and information technology. We pursue a strategy of sustainable customer partnership that is characterized by trust and a high level of service orientation towards students and companies.

We offer our students opportunities for a successful career start. Experienced students have the opportunity to take the next step in their career. Our primary goal is to teach practical skills and entrepreneurial thinking.

Our partner companies use the needs-based opportunities for the joint development of their future managers and the customized training and personnel development of qualified employees. Characteristic features are the individual support, reliability and success orientation based on a systematic networking of theory and practice.

Innovative thinking is actively practiced at the FHDW. To this end, the FHDW works with students and companies to identify new solutions for needs-based knowledge transfer, new relevant content and market-driven training and further education formats. The interaction and linking of research and teaching are implemented in a practical way through concepts of “research-based learning”. With our own research services for high-quality, application-oriented findings, we support companies in pursuing their own goals. At the same time, these findings are incorporated into the teaching content of the FHDW.

The FHDW regards gender equality as an obligation and takes into account the special life situations of all members of the university. It promotes the compatibility of family and career, also through its part-time degree programs.

Pro­fi­le of the FH­DW

The profile of the FHDW is characterized by the following seven features:

  1. The FHDW offers Bachelor’s and advanced Master’s degree programs in various fields. The FHDW Bachelor’s degree program is a dual course of study – in the sense of integrating theory and practice – in which academic teaching and company practice enjoy equal importance. The regular alternation between teaching at the FHDW and practical training in numerous partner companies leads to a holistic professional qualification of junior staff for specialist and management tasks. The application of what has been learned in the company and the academic teaching geared towards practical work experience enable a rapid entry into a professional career.
  2. The FHDW degree course is characterized by individual support. This support is guaranteed by small study groups, intensive contact with the lecturers, individual guidance in the preparation of academic papers and personal career advice.
  3. The FHDW is characterized by diverse and close partnerships with companies. It sees itself as an educational service provider that supports companies in recruiting and promoting young talent and prepares students for their professional careers.
  4. The FHDW sees itself as a regional provider of professional qualifications and equips students for employment in a national and international environment.
  5. The FHDW’s research services are application-oriented, close to the market and anchored in the region through partner companies. They are geared towards the needs of practice, whereby problems and know-how come together in intensive regular discussions between professors, students and companies and students are involved in research environments at an early stage. Technology transfer enables the concrete utilization of research results.
  6. The FHDW focuses its research on the two subject areas of business administration and computer science as well as the connection and interaction between the two subject areas. The connecting topics include, in particular, the use of information technology in companies in the context of digitalization and globalization.
  7. The FHDW regards equality between men and women as an obligation. It promotes the compatibility of family and career or studies. The FHDW takes into account the special life situations of all members of the university.

On the basis of this mission statement, the FHDW strives for further development in the following areas in particular:

In­cre­a­sing cust­o­m­er ori­en­ta­ti­on

The FHDW pursues a strategy of sustainable customer partnership, which is characterized by trust and a high level of service orientation towards students and companies. The guiding principle of customer partnership is to be operationalized and implemented more strongly than before.

Crea­ti­on of a con­sis­tent brand image

With many years of experience and personal support, the FHDW leads people to professional success with a practice-integrated study concept. This brand image is to be expressed in a sustainable manner both through the FHDW’s external image and through the behavior of all employees.

Re­se­arch with com­pa­nies and stu­dents

In addition to defining its own fields of research, the FHDW is increasingly taking up research topics from companies and innovative ideas from students in order to develop and work on them together.

Fur­ther ex­pan­si­on of tar­get group-ori­en­ted in­ter­na­tio­na­liza­t­i­on

International cooperation is to be expanded and strengthened in order to further promote the mobility of teaching staff and students as well as the enrichment of science and teaching with international issues.

Pro­mo­ti­on of in­no­va­ti­on ma­nage­ment

The FHDW strives to continuously improve its range of courses and to develop new, innovative offers – also in the area of continuing education.