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Crediting of previous work
Not starting from scratch? No problem!
Have you already completed an apprenticeship or studied for a few semesters at another university? It must not have been in vain! Together we will check whether any of these benefits are eligible. It is important to note that these checks are always carried out on an individual basis and that there is no generally applicable rule.
How it works
Completed training
An apprenticeship is a very good basis for studying! Much of the content will be particularly helpful for you. We need the following documents to check whether your training content can be credited:
- Vocational school leaving certificate
- Certificate of the IHK examination
- Training framework plan
Please note that we can only carry out this check after your official application for the FHDW degree program.
Study at other universities
If you have already studied for one or more semesters, you will usually already have proof of academic achievement. We need the following documents to check whether your course content can be recognized:
- University certificate / Transcript of Records
- Certificate of exmatriculation
- Module handbook for your degree program
Please note that we can only carry out this check after your official application for the FHDW degree program.