Your ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

On your marks, get set, ap­p­ly...

Step by step to your uni­ver­si­ty place!

Are you in the final semesters of your Bachelor’s degree or have you already graduated and are currently thinking about the next step in your career? Have you already found the right degree program and chosen your future campus? Then go ahead, apply now and secure your place! Here we explain how the application process works and what you need to bear in mind.



You choose the Master’s degree if you want to deepen your knowledge and/or prepare for a management role. You will need a Bachelor’s degree in business administration or computer science.



You should choose the MBA if you have already gained 1-2 years of professional experience after completing your Bachelor’s degree and would like to continue your education in the field of corporate strategy and management.

Mas­ter's de­gree pro­gram - Ar­ri­ve in 3 steps


Get­ting to know, ad­vi­sing and ap­p­ly­ing

Take your chance and get a taste of university life before you start your studies. You can easily attend our events, take part in lectures of your choice, talk to our students about balancing campus and professional life or make appointments for student counseling. Not only will we get to know each other better, but we will also find the right degree program for you.

Once your questions have been answered, simply apply at You can fill out our online application quickly and easily. Once you have provided all the information about yourself and your desired course of study, simply upload your CV and your current Transcript of Records or Bachelor’s certificate. If you have not yet completed your studies, a transcript of records is sufficient.

We have now received your documents and will check them carefully. We will get back to you after a few days.

Ad­mis­si­on in­ter­view

We have reviewed your application and would like to find out more about you. That’s why we invite you to an individual admissions interview. What does that mean? We will not only discuss your suitability, but also your career and your professional goals. After all, that’s exactly what the course is designed to help you with!
Of course, we will also answer any questions you may have about your studies and how to balance your work and private life.



Let’s go

Once you have signed your study contract, your place is secure and you can finally start the most varied period of study of your life!
By the way: The Career Service is also always at your side during your studies. If you have any questions or need advice, you can contact your student advisor at any time.

What are you wait­ing for? Gi­ve your ca­re­er an up­grade and ap­p­ly now!

MBA stu­dy pro­gram - Ar­ri­ve in 3 steps


Get­ting to know, ad­vi­sing and ap­p­ly­ing

Take your chance and get a taste of university life before you start your studies. You can simply attend our events, take part in lectures of your choice, talk to our students about balancing campus and professional life or make appointments for student counseling. Not only will we get to know each other better, but we will also find the right degree program for you.

Once your questions have been answered, simply apply at You can fill out our online application quickly and easily. Once you have provided all the information about yourself and your desired course of study, simply upload your CV and your current Transcript of Records or Bachelor’s certificate. If you have not yet completed your studies, a transcript of records is sufficient.

We have now received your documents and will check them carefully. We will get back to you after a few days.

Ad­mis­si­on in­ter­view + English test

We have reviewed your application and would like to find out more about you. That’s why we invite you to an individual admissions interview. What does that mean? We will not only discuss your suitability, but also your career and your professional goals. After all, that’s exactly what the course is designed to help you with! If you do not have the required proof of English, you can take a free test with us.
Of course, we will also answer any questions you may have about your studies and how to balance your work and private life.



Let’s go

Once you have signed your study contract, your place is secure and you can finally start the most varied period of study of your life!
By the way: The Career Service is also always at your side during your studies. If you have any questions or need advice, you can contact your student advisor at any time.

What are you wait­ing for? In­vest in your fu­ture and ap­p­ly now!

Opi­ni­ons that re­al­ly count!

Read all reviews

We are really good at what we do!

Not only we say this, but also our students. On Studycheck, our rating puts us high up on the list of universities of applied sciences in Germany.

See for yourself and read independent reviews about the FHDW.

Your stu­dent ad­vi­so­ry ser­vice

Make an appointment now for your student advisory service or ask us your questions about studying. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you!

Wri­te to us!

Michelle Anders

Michelle Anders

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-270

Valea Allkämper

@Campus Bergisch Gladbach

02202 9527-270

Simona Narcisi

Simona Narcisi

@Campus Mettmann

02104 17756-270

Dajana Deppenmeier

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190

Dajana Deppenmeier

Rebecca Baumann

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190

Annalena Thiel

@Campus Bielefeld

0521 23842-270

@Campus Paderborn

05251 301-190