
General Management

Be­co­me a ma­nage­ment all-roun­der with the MBA and ne­ver lo­se sight of the big pic­tu­re!

One and a half years well invested in your professional future, internationally recognized, for more responsibility on the next rungs of your career ladder. The MBA focuses on developing your management skills. Each trimester is dedicated to a separate module group. This includes leadership skills, operational management as well as strategy and future management. You will also learn in groups of max. 14 people in business simulations,
Expert sessions and action learning on very specific issues.

Stu­dy con­tents:


Leadership skills

Operational management

Strategy and future management


Stu­dy me


You should choose the part-time MBA course if you already have a first university degree and have already gained two years of professional experience. The advantage of the MBA program is that it can build on various first university degrees, i.e. a previous business degree is not necessary.


Master of Business Administration


Trimester 1:
1 week of attendance (Mon-Sat)
2 attendance weekends (Thu evening to Sat)

Trimester 2:
1 week of attendance (Mon-Sat)
2.5 attendance weekends (Thu evening to Sat)

Trimester 3:
2 attendance week (Mon-Sat)
1.5 attendance weekends (Thu evening to Sat)

– In addition to attendance time, the continuous learning process is continued through e-learning.

– In the 2. and In the 3rd trimester, the one-week excursions to Spain and Vietnam take place. One of the two excursions is obligatory.

Learning is promoted sustainably through various forms. The course content is taught in plenary sessions with the help of keynote speeches and texts, educational discussions, e-learning and examples. In small groups and home groups, the participants go through reflection and feedback loops that promote the knowledge process. Contact with the lecturers is possible at any time. Action learning transfers practical, topical issues faced by learners into the classroom and thus into theory, leading them to a solution that can be put into practice. Practice influences theory and not the other way around.

Stu­dy pro­gram in MBA Ge­ne­ral Ma­nage­ment




Bachelor’s, Master’s or Diploma degree.


Pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence

In principle, two years of business-related professional experience after obtaining the first university degree, but at least one year of professional experience (depending on various criteria).


Know­ledge of English

according to level B2 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)”. Proof of certificates, foreign language tests, longer stays abroad in English-speaking organizations or countries or external language tests. If no proof is provided, a language test will be carried out as part of the aptitude assessment procedure.


Ad­mis­si­on in­ter­view

Successful participation in the FHDW admissions interview.

Because money doesn't grow on trees -
let's talk about it!

Did you know that you can refinance part of your tuition fees and expenses via your income tax return?


Head of de­gree pro­gram

Prof. Dr. Stefan Nieland

Prof. Dr. Stefan Nieland

@Campus Paderborn

[email protected]

05251 301-190

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